Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jemputan Ke Majlis Mesra Penduduk & Jamuan Hari Raya 2010

Bahasa Malaysia

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam Aidilfitri untuk semua warga Apartment Seroja Bukit Jelutong..

Kami ahli jawatan kuasa pengelola majlis "mesra penduduk dan jamuan hari raya" pangsapuri Seroja yang di amanahkan oleh Ahli2 majlis utama Surau Seroja dan Ahli2 majlis tertinggi jawatankuasa JMB Seroja selaku penganjur utama majlis, ingin mengalukan2 kehadiran tuan-tuan, puan-puan, dato & datin, Tan sri dan Puan Sri ke majlis kami yang bakal di adakan di "Gelanggang Bola Keranjang Apartment Seroja". Berikut adalah informasi lengkap tentang majlis kami :

Tarikh: 10/10/2010
Tempat: Gelanggang bola keranjang
Aturcara:10 am - 11.am :
pertandingan mewarna kanak2 bawah 12 tahun
Kategori I: 7 - 9 tahun
Kategori II: 10 - 12 tahun(pensel warna disediakan)
11.00 am: Jamuan bermula
11:30 am: Penyampaian hadiah pertandingan mewarna
3.00 pm: Majlis bersuraiAcara sepanjang jamuan:
Cabutan bertuah, pop kuiz dan lain2

NOTA Moderator : Majlis ini telah di taja oleh penaja JMB Seroja yang mana sumber keuwangan di ambil dari kutipan hasil sewaan office2 di Seroja (tidak menjejaskan hasil kutipan duit selengara pangsapuri), Tajaan juga datang dari penaja utama individu penderma budiman seperti anda.


Dear Seroja Apartment Owner's , Residence and Tenants,

We the appointed sub-committee for Seroja Apartment’s “Hari Raya Gathering and Get Together” events who are empowered by Seroja apartment Surau committee together with Seroja Join Management Board (JMB) are proudly presents the Hari Raya Gathering and The Get Together events which will be held at the Seroja basket ball court.

Tenants, Landlords, Residents and the invited guests are welcome to this great event’s!!..

Below are the details :

Date: 10/10/2010
Venue : Basket ball court
Events: 10 am - 11.am :
Coloring contest for kids under 12 years old of age
Category I: 7 - 9 years old
Category II: 10 - 12 years old
(color pencil will be provided)
11.00 am: Lunch
11:30 am: Gift presentations for the winner.
3.00 pm: Urgent.

Sub events happen during lunch time:
Lucky draws , Fun games etc.

Note from the Moderator : This events was sponsored by Seroja JMB which fund was extracted from the rent collections within Seroja apartment premises (This is to confirm that the fund donated by Seroja JMB was not taken from Seroja Maintenance fees), The sponsors was also came from main sponsor's the generous people of Seroja apartment like you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Eid El Mubarak, Security Tips.

Salam Eid Fitr to all muslim owners and residence of Seroja Apartment, A happy raya holidays for non muslims. There are some safety and security tips we (JMB counsel) would like to share with you the beloved residence. The tips that we are sharing is similar to the tips discussed in our security seminar organized by us last months, those who had missed the seminar here are some useful tips we are sharing :

1. Tell your surrounding neighbor’s when and until when your house will stay vacant.
2. **IF Available** make sure the security alarm was well armed before living the house.
Switch on the light near your exit door so that it’s appear that there are still people in the house.
3. Make sure all windows doors and grill are well locked.
4. Make sure you registered your house with Seroja securities before living the premises.

Useful emergency number incase of emergency :

1. IPD police state head quaters: 03-551022202.
2. Balai Polis Bukit Jelutong (ISP Ismail) : 03-784730223. Pondok Pengawal : 012-3149340
Important NOTICE :

Our Seroja Apartment maintenance office will be closed from 8th to 18th September 2010.



Selamat Hari Raya dan Tips keselamatan

Salam hari Lebaran di ucapkan kepada semua pemilik dan penduduk Pangsapuri Seroja, Disini kami (AJK JMB Seroja) mahu kongsi bersama tips keselamatan bagi seluruh penduduk Pangsapuri Seroja seperti yang telah kita bincangkan di dalam seminar keselamatan pada bulan lepas.

1. Sila beritahu kejiranan anda tentang bila anda akan pulang ke kampung halaman dan bila pula anda akan kembali.

2. (**Jika Ada**) aktifkan alat penggera keselamatan rumah anda.

3. Hentikan lenganan majalah atau surat khabar yang dihatar terus ke rumah anda

4. Pasang lampu berhampiran dengan pintu utama agar kehilatan rumah masih berpenghuni.

5. Pastikan semua pintu dan tingkap di tutup dan berkunci.

6. Sebelum pulang ke kampung, pastikan anda telah melaporkan pada security nombor rumah, tarikh bila pulang ke kampung dan tarikh bila kembali dari kampung. Ini memudahkan kerja pihak keselamatan bagi memastikan pelawat yang ingin memasuki premis Seroja benar2 tulin.

Nombor yang berguna jika berlaku kecemasan :

1. IPD : 03-55102220

2. Balai Polis Bukit Jelutong (ISP Ismail) : 03-78473022

3. Pondok Pengawal : 012-3149340


Pejabat pengurusan JMB di block 25 akan di tutup untuk Hari Raya mulai 8 hingga 18 September 2010.

Sekian terima kasih


Mesyuarat bersama JMB, Polis, Tuan punya pemilik rumah dan Penduduk UPDATE

Bahasa Malaysia

Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua pihak dan penduduk yang sama-sama meluangkan masa untuk mendengar taklimat dan seminar keselamatan yang julung-julung kalinya diadakan di Pangsapuri Seroja.

Terima Kasih yang teristimewa di ucapkan kepada Timabalan Ketua Balai Polis, Pengerusi JMB dan Pengurus Pangsapuri Seroja yang dengan jayanya menjawab semua soalan dan kemusykilan penduduk.

Majlis tamat pada pukul 11:00 malam 30 July 2010.


Congratulations to all participate organization bodies and residents of Seroja Apartments who spent their time listening to security seminar which was 1st time organized for our mutual benefits.

Special thanks to ISP Bukit Jelutong police stations, JMB chairman and the manegemnt of Seroja Apartment who succesfuly answered all questions, doubts and query by the resident of Seroja Apartments.

The seminar was adjourned at 11:00pm 30th July 2010.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mesyuarat besama JMB, Police, Penduduk dan Tuan Punya Unit Apartment Seroja mengenai masalah keselamatan dan jenayah


AJK JMB Seroja ingin mengajak sadara dan saudari tuan punya dan penduduk Pangasapuri Seroja untuk bersama2 kami , pihak polis dan syarikat keselamatan untuk menghadiri satu mesyurat serius dan tegempar membincangkan soal keselamatan dan jenayah yang belaku di apartment Seroja.

Kehadiran tuan dan puan adalah amat di hargai.

Sila rujuk dibawah informasi tentang tempat dan dimana mesyuarat itu akan di adakan :

Tepat : Dewan serbaguna , block 25 , Pangsapuri Seroja

Tarikh : Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010 besamaan 18 sya'aban 1431H.

Masa : 9:00 Malam

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

JMB, Police and Seroja Residence/Owner Joint Security Meeting 30th July 2010

JMB would like to invite all Seroja residences and owners to a serious discussion concerning the security issues which related to the crime incident occurred quite recently.

The Panel of discussion amongst others is the JMB counsel members, Bukit Jelutong Police SI and the security company.

Your attendance and support are much appreciated by us the Seroja Apartment JMB counsel.

Below are the details of the meeting :

Venue : Seroja Apartment community hall , block 25th Ground floor, Bukit Jelutong

Time : 9:00 PM (1100hrs)

Date : 30th July 2010


-The Moderator-

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pejabat Pengurusan

Dear Seroja Residence and Land Lords,

Refrence below are the info on our management office :

Contact person : Encik Hasni
Assistant : Cik Maznita
Contact number : 03 78465708
Business time : 1000hrs to 1600hrs (Monday to Saturday) closed on public holiday.


Kami (Ahli majlis JMB seroja) bebesar hati ingin mengumumkan pelantikan pengurus baru pangsapuri ber servis Seroja, Encik Hasni. Beliau bertanggungjawab keatas semua hal-ehwal pengurusan dan peyelengaraan Pangsapuri Seroja dan juga kutipan hasil bagi yuran penyelengaraan, saman pesalah pemakir yang di ketip dan juga bayaran bil air.

Beliau juga di bantu oleh seorang setia usaha Cik Maznita. Tahniah diucapkan kepada mereka.

Terima Kasih

Moderator Blog.


With a great pleasure we would like to inform you the beloved residence of Seroja Apartment Bukit Jelutong that we had appointed Encik Hasny as our new full time building manager for Seroja Apartment. He is now in charge on the overall of the maintenance of our apartments with it’s facilities and also the collection of the maintenance fees, parking offenders clamping fine and water bill .

Encik Hasny is assisted by Cik Maznita who assume the secretary role to Encik Hasny. Please join me and JMB counsel members to congratulate on their appointments.


The Moderator.